Monday, February 2, 2009

Little Ryler is almost 3 months old now. He's the chubbiest little Baby. Only 3 months old and he already wears 6 to 12 month clothes. He is out growing his bassenet, so we are thinking soon he should start sleeping in his own room in the crib. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I love having him next to me. He has been really good latley about sleeping through the night. At first I only got lucky every once in a while, but latley he has consitanly been sleeping for a least 7 hours straight. I feel so rested! His newest and latest baby accomplishments are....he can hold his head up but it's still a little difficult for him to hold it all the way, those cheeks are just to heavy! He talks all the time, and has just started laughing. Grandpa Kohler was the first to get a giggle out of him. It's so cute. He can grab and hold on to toys and get them up to his mouth, he loves to suck on his hand, not his thumb, the whole hand. He likes it better than the pacifier. He's a happy little guy.