Friday, September 4, 2009

Ryler 8 Months old! I LOVE this pic. This really shows off his personality perfectly. He is always Happy!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ryler is 7 months old now, and he LOVES his bath time. He gets to take a bath like a big boy now. No more baby bath tub. And I think he might take after his Auntie Kara, he's an awsome kicker in the bath tub, so we might have another swimmer here!! I would love that.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My 1ST Mother's day! We had such a nice brunch in Walnut Creek. I think it's my new favorite holiday! I love being Ryler's mommy!!!

Ryler loves to eat now. I try and be good and make his food myself, and he loves it. He especially loves his sweet potatoes! In this picture his is having fun with some blueberries! He loves to try and feed himself. Messy!!!

Eating is a lot of hard work!

I Love this picture, his eyes are so Big and Blue!

Ryler 6 Months Old
Weight - 23 pounds 4 oz.
Height - 29 1/2 inches
Percentile - + 100%

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Time is flyin' by. Ryler will be 5 months old soon. Here is how he's grown...

4 month check up
Weight - 19lbs. 10oz.
Height - 27 5/8 inches
Above 97% for both height and weight.

~Spring Pics~

Life is crazy, not in a bad way, just a little crazy! Clayton's still out of work. Apparently in the spring time nobody really needs their heater or air conditioning. Summer is right around the corner though! :-) The company should have work for him soon. Other than that we are moving in May. I'll have to send out our change of address to everyone. And like that's not enough going on, Clayton's dad who Clayton has not seen in 16 years has decided he wants to come visit. He will be flying out next week from Alabama. I have mixed feelings about this visit. It will be a little weird. But he's made some big mistakes in his life and wants to try and make it right. Clayton is looking forward to it. We'll see how it goes. I'm defiantly a little nervous about the whole thing. I'm glad he will get to see what a great guy Clayton is and what a great life he has made for himself! :-)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our little (or should or should I say our Big) boy Ryler is already 4 months old. He's a 4 month old that looks like an 8 month old. Tonight I was getting him in his Jammie's for bed, and realized his onsie is an 18month size, and it fit! Crazy. He is now up to 20 pounds almost and is doing great. I asked the doctor if he was too chubby and she laughed at me. Thank goodness she does not recommend putting a 4 month old on a diet. I'm tall, Clayton's tall, so Rylers just going to be a big boy. He is a smart little boy and is doing everything a 4 month old should be doing; however tummy time is still not one of his favorite activities because that means he has to hold his head up and man, those cheeks are just to darn heavy! It is hard to believe what an amazingly good baby he still is. And he came from me who as a child was anything but calm. He still has never thrown a crying fit. He's cried but it takes a second to calm him. He loves to smile and has the cutest little dimples, just like his dad. Our most favorite parts of the day are bath time, he gets so relaxed. Also bedtime. I know he so young, but I do read to him every night. He loves it. He just sits on my lap and looks at the pictures, and when we're done he goes in his crib and right to sleep. Sometimes I can't help it, we'll rock in the glider at night until he falls asleep, and that truly is my favorite time of the day! He is starting to really recognize people, and it's easy to tell who he really knows and likes. I love when I get home from work, or go to get him out of his crib in the morning, he looks up at me with the biggest smile and gets so excited. That really makes the 6:30 Wake up time worth it! :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

So Stacie is finally 20 weeks pregnant and had a doctors appointment to find out if she has a baby Girl or Boy. We decided to have a little fun with it. She and Johnny went to the doctors but instead of the doctor telling them the sex of the baby there, she had the nurse call and tell me, then everyone came over to my house that night for the surprise. We had my mom and dad, Lindsay, Kara, Stacie, Johnny and Austin to celebrate with. I think Stacie was pretty anxious all day. When everyone was over we played a little guessing game. If you thought it's a boy take a blue balloon, and if you think it's a girl take a pink balloon. It was so funny because Stacie and Johnny both had blue balloons. Then I had everyone close their eyes and when Stacie and Johnny opened their eyes Austin was there handing his mommy and daddy a big bouquet of pink balloons and a gift wrapped in pink with a big pink bow. They were so surprised that it's a Baby GIRl!! We are all so excited for the arrival of baby Girl in July!! How perfect 1 boy and 1 girl. We are loving the Pink!!!

They both think Boy! Hahaa!!!

Austin going to surprise Mommy and Daddy

ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stacie looks so happy, Johnny looks scared :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Little Ryler is almost 3 months old now. He's the chubbiest little Baby. Only 3 months old and he already wears 6 to 12 month clothes. He is out growing his bassenet, so we are thinking soon he should start sleeping in his own room in the crib. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I love having him next to me. He has been really good latley about sleeping through the night. At first I only got lucky every once in a while, but latley he has consitanly been sleeping for a least 7 hours straight. I feel so rested! His newest and latest baby accomplishments are....he can hold his head up but it's still a little difficult for him to hold it all the way, those cheeks are just to heavy! He talks all the time, and has just started laughing. Grandpa Kohler was the first to get a giggle out of him. It's so cute. He can grab and hold on to toys and get them up to his mouth, he loves to suck on his hand, not his thumb, the whole hand. He likes it better than the pacifier. He's a happy little guy.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back to Work!

Bummer, my 2 month leave from work is over. It went by so fast. Ryler is now 9 weeks old, and I went back to work on Tuesday, Jan.6Th. In a way it's nice to be back at the hair salon, I feel productive but I really miss the lazy days at home this winter spending time with Ryler. My first day back was very long. I was gone from my baby for 9 hours that day, luckily I was very busy so I didn't really have time to think about how much I missed him. I also knew he was in good hands with my sister Stacie. I have a great schedule though so that really helps and I'm only going back 3 days a week. This week Ryler and I have also joined a play group that's within the Mothers of Brentwood group I belong to. I helped in getting this group of moms together and I was the first to host our play date today. There's about 6 moms and 6 babies in our group ranging in ages from 6 weeks to 6 months. It's so cute to get all these babies in one room. It was a really fun afternoon at my house today. Ryler was so funny right when everyone arrived with their babies he decided to check out and sleep through everything until the very end. It will be fun when the kids are older and the can all play together.

Ryler is now 2 months old and had his 2 month check up today. He's growing so fast. He is a little over 24 inches long and 14lbs. 6oz. He is in the 97Th % for his weight and the 90Th % for his height. He also had his first set of vaccines today. It was so sad. He made the saddest cry when the nurse poked him and I saw tears in his eyes for the first time. So, So Sad!!

Tomorrow it's off to Grandma and Grandpa K's house. I think it's the first time my mom and Dad will have Ryler and my nephew Austin at the same time. Hopefully it's not to crazy because soon it will be 3 kids at their home when Stacie's "little baby girl" (that's my guess) arrives.