Time is flyin' by. Ryler will be 5 months old soon. Here is how he's grown...
4 month check up
Weight - 19lbs. 10oz.
Height - 27 5/8 inches
Above 97% for both height and weight.
~Spring Pics~
Life is crazy, not in a bad way, just a little crazy! Clayton's still out of work. Apparently in the spring time nobody really needs their heater or air conditioning. Summer is right around the corner though! :-) The company should have work for him soon. Other than that we are moving in May. I'll have to send out our change of address to everyone. And like that's not enough going on, Clayton's dad who Clayton has not seen in 16 years has decided he wants to come visit. He will be flying out next week from Alabama. I have mixed feelings about this visit. It will be a little weird. But he's made some big mistakes in his life and wants to try and make it right. Clayton is looking forward to it. We'll see how it goes. I'm defiantly a little nervous about the whole thing. I'm glad he will get to see what a great guy Clayton is and what a great life he has made for himself! :-)